As it reaches the end of the year, seniors are starting to commit to colleges and think about life after high school. Although this year has been full of construction, complications, and a quarantine, the class of 2020 is still continuing to think about their future. Committing to a college is a big decision that can take some time to think about. A large number of seniors have decided to continue their educational careers outside the state of Missouri to get a change of atmosphere. While there is still time for people to think about their final college choices, it’s good to celebrate those who have already chosen their top school!

Madison Lawrence smiles and shows off her University of North Carolina college gear.
One senior who has already decided on a college is Madison Lawrence. Lawrence is going to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). Both of her parents attended North Carolina for grad school, and as they told her their stories about it, she became more and more intrigued. “I took a college visit there during spring break and I absolutely fell in love with the school,” Lawrence noted. Lawrence will be majoring in Biology because she loves science. The things she is most looking forward to next year are moving away from home, being super independent, meeting new people, and doing new things in college. In addition to worrying about finding her way around campus and not getting lost, the thing she is most nervous about is her roommate. “I’m nervous about my roommate! I hope we get along,” Lawrence said. Lawrence’s message for the juniors is to take their time and do research into their dream college to make sure they have everything they need to apply. “Focus on the things that you need to do, and that will bring you where you need to be,” Lawrence stated. All in all, Lawrence is confident in her school choice and has some excellent advice for future seniors.

Savannah College of Art and Design logo.
A second senior who is committed to a college is Nick Siefert. Siefert is attending The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in Savannah, Georgia. “I decided to go to SCAD because it looked good and wasn’t hard to get into,” said Siefert. He hasn’t decided on a major yet, but is looking forward to moving to a different city. When asked what he was nervous about, Siefert noted, “I’m nervous about the virus messing my, and a lot of other people’s, education up.” Lastly, he would tell juniors not to procrastinate until December to apply. Although Covid-19 has struck up some worry in Siefert, he still is eager to start college.

Ben Haug points at his George Washington University hoodie.
We move from the Southeast to the Northeast where our next senior is attending college in Washington, D.C. Ben Haug is going to George Washington University in Washington D.C. Haug decided on George Washington because he has always been passionate about politics and debate. Haug also noted that, “Washington D.C. is a beautiful city with lots of amazing opportunities!” He is double majoring in geography and political science. Haug is looking forward to living in D.C. next year and can’t wait to explore the city as well as meet amazing new people. Something he is very nervous about is affordability and big city living. Since everything in D.C. is so much bigger and busier, he feels it is going to be a difficult adjustment but completely worth it. Haug’s message for juniors is to keep their options open. “There is always a way to achieve your dream. Stay determined, focused, and ambitious throughout your search and look for as many scholarships as possible!” Haug advised. Although Haug is going to have to adjust to his new college, he is excited about it overall!

Mackenzie Marentette smiles and gives a thumbs up in her Colorado State University attire.
Heading northwest, another senior is attending college in Colorado. Mackenzie Marentette is going to Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. Marentette wanted to go to a college with a veterinary program and Colorado State University is 3rd in the U.S. for veterinary studies. She is majoring in animal sciences, but might change her major to zoology because she wants to work with wild animals, not cats and dogs. “I am looking forward to making new friends and learning more about the courses I can take after I get all my general education ones out of the way,” Marentette stated. The distance from her friends, family, and everything that is familiar to her is Marentette’s worry since she will be twelve hours from home. “I would tell juniors to focus on what they want as their major or future career path first and then pick a college based on what they have to offer for you,” Marentette recommended. She also would tell juniors not to worry a whole bunch about money because they can always find a way to pay for a college they really want to go to. Marentette sounds like she has a great plan ahead of her and a positive outlook for the fall.

Bellarmine University logo.
Not too far east from Missouri is where our fifth senior is headed for college in Kentucky. Nathan Butler has chosen to attend Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky. “Bellarmine gave me an opportunity to wrestle and it is a good school in a big city that has a lot of opportunity for me,” Butler noted. His major is going to be physics and he is looking forward to being in Louisville as well as meeting new people. Something Butler is nervous about is wrestling and finding fun activities around campus. “I would say to the juniors to find a school that has an easy transition out of high school,” Butler suggested. He advises juniors to find a place that makes them feel at home and comfortable. “Even though people want you to pick a college for school, make sure it’s still socially good for you and that the city has fun stuff to do,” Butler added. Butler is overall excited to take his wrestling and academic career further at his choice college.

Kutztown University logo.
Next up is Zoe Berken who is attending Kutztown University in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. “I really liked the campus and the size, and I have family that lives nearby,” Berken said. She hasn’t decided on a major, but can’t wait to meet tons of new people and get to live somewhere different. One thing Berken is nervous about is not knowing a lot of people. “My message to juniors would be don’t completely rule out out of state schools just because of cost, there are a lot of scholarships and ways to get your tuition reduced, especially if it is a smaller school!” Berken encouraged. Berken seems altogether eager about going out of state for college and offers some helpful advice as well.

Bradley University logo.
A state over to the Northeast of Missouri is where our next senior is going to college in Illinois. Sofia Flores is probably going to Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. She plans to major in international business and entrepreneurship. Flores is looking forward to meeting new people and living away from home. On the contrary, she is nervous about the change and if Covid-19 will cause changes to how life on campus should be. She is also super worried about food because she is going to miss her parents cooking. Flores advises juniors to start their college search sooner than later and utilize Ms. Diaz. “She will literally go above and beyond to help you and if you have a unique situation do not be scared to ask questions!” Flores noted. Although Flores is going to miss her family meals, she is happy to move on in her educational career.

North Arkansas College logo.
Last but not least, senior Chris Hill is going to college out of state at North Arkansas College located in Harrison, Arkansas. His major is undecided but he views college as a chance to further his basketball career. While his main focus is classwork, he really looks forward to playing basketball. “I’m most nervous about my high school tendencies that I have to break like falling asleep in class, not doing homework, and being late to class,” Hill said. His advice for upcoming seniors is to not settle on their decision and go wherever they feel at home. Hill can’t wait to continue his academic and basketball career in college.
Congratulations and best of luck to these seniors who are continuing their post high school plans out of Missouri. While these individuals have a good plan ahead of them, there are more seniors who have college plans too. Stay tuned for more articles about other seniors who have made their college decisions!
Coach Rees • Apr 8, 2020 at 3:11 pm
Lulu, great article on your peers, I really enjoyed it. Congratulations to our Seniors and good luck, you will be doing amazing things because you are amazing people! We will miss you! <3 <3 <3
Coach Rees