How to: Ace a Test From a Senior’s Perspective


Congrats class of 2020!

No feeling is greater than the one where you get a notification on your phone saying that your test has been graded, then pulling it up and seeing an above average score. Here are some tips to properly earn that A!

  1. Make note of what date your exam is on.

It is very important to write down the date of your test when your teacher announces it. This will help you map out the time of when you need to start studying and making sure you have the material you need. Do not wait until the day before the test to start hitting the books! 

  1. Be well rested.

Going to bed early is difficult when we have the world at our fingertips with phones, tablets, or any screen tempting us to stay up a couple of hours more. Setting a scheduled time to go to bed on the weekdays can get you into a good habit of being well rested for the next day because no one wants to study if they have no energy.

  1. Set up a study space and be organized.

Trying to study for a test can be hard when papers, books, or anything that is crowding your study space gets in the way. The first step is to organize the material you need to study, whether it’s in folders or notebooks or even having files on your chromebook pulled up. Choose a designated study area that has no distractions and get to work.

  1. Make flashcards. 

Writing down information on flashcards and studying them over and over really helped me through high school. But, if you like using your computer to study, you can always put your information in a Quizlet and take practice quizzes. Whichever works for you!

  1. Look up Youtube videos if you still don’t understand the information.

If there is a certain concept in Biology you don’t understand, or if you need a song to help you remember the amendments, looking up videos to further elaborate the information is a great way to retain more details. 

  1. Lastly, ask questions!

Your teachers are here for a reason! If you don’t understand something, raise your hand or talk to them privately about what you need help with. There is no harm in asking questions, and your teachers want to see you succeed.