“A clean room says a lot about a person,” said Geniyah Johnson, a sophomore at Brentwood High School. She finds that having a clean room allows her to have a more relaxed and open mind. “I enjoy cleaning, I clean my room a lot,” said Johnson.
Johnson knows that not everyone feels the same way about cleaning as she does; in fact, she knows many hate cleaning. But when it comes to your own room, she has a hard time understanding why someone would want to keep it messy. “Messy rooms just throw me off, said Johnson, “how are people able to live like that?”
According to Johnson, to keep a clean room, you have to make sure that you have the right materials like a vacuum, duster, broom, and mop. “My favorite thing to clean with is the vacuum,” she said. “It just gets the job done way faster, and it’s very satisfying.” It’s not only the speed of the vacuum that Johnson finds satisfying, she also loves the crackling sound it makes when she’s vacuuming over something. “Using a vacuum is better than using the broom because it moves faster and can collect way more stuff, the broom gets trash and dirt stuck in between bristles and carries it,” said Johnson. If you really sit there and compare the two, sweeping takes way longer than just swiping the vacuum across the floor. Even though a vacuum is more expensive, she finds that it’s worth it.
“I use my vacuum so much, it’s my favorite thing,” said Johnson. In fact, she loves it so much that when she gets in trouble at home, taking her vacuum away is one of her punishments.
In addition to vacuuming, to keep a room clean all the time, Johnson recommends that when you wake up in the morning, add making your bed to your morning routine. When changing clothes, don’t just throw them on the floor, put them in the dirty clothes basket/hamper. Coming home, do the same thing: put your shoes away, make sure there is no trash in your room, and if you have a trash can, empty it every Sunday. She also recommends sweeping/vacuuming and reorganizing everything every Sunday to have a clean and fresh environment at the beginning of the week. “It makes you feel less stressed once everything is organized and clean.”
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