On October 21, 2022 at midnight, Taylor Swift released her 10th studio album that – based on the 186 million plays it garnered on Spotify in the first 24 hours – it is safe to say everyone is now buzzing about. She announced the 13-track album, called Midnights, around 2 months ago at the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards.
While the releases of Evermore and Folklore were surprises, with this latest release, Taylor had gone back to slowly trickling information and cryptic clues about her album. Anyone who’s been a fan of Swift’s music for ages knows all too well that she loves surprises and Easter eggs (hidden messages or secrets snuck into her songs). Slowly announcing the track names through TikTok videos with ping pong balls in a basket, Swift really built up the excitement.
Lavender Haze
How fitting that the first lyric in the song is “ Meet me at midnight.” Swift has said in an interview that her long term relationship with Joe Alwyn inspired this song. Lavender Haze was a phrase commonly used in the 1950s to describe being in love, and this track is as beautiful as its name. Although not my favorite on the album, it’s a dreamy yet bouncy tune. She stated in an interview, “ If you were in that lavender haze, then that meant you were in that all-encompassing love glow and I thought that was really beautiful.” I feel that “Lavender Haze” has the same vibe as some of her older songs, and the more times I listen to it, the more I like it. I give this song a solid 8/10, simply because it’s more of an acquired taste for me.
A slower song than its predecessor, the lyrics were some of my favorites such as “Carnations you had thought were roses, that’s us.” The bridge let me down a little bit, though, as Taylor is known for her stunning bridges and this one just wasn’t giving. This song still earned an 8.5/10 from me, however. It’s definitely a fitting autumn song, right in there with “All Too Well.” I’ve also heard some people describe this song as a more mature “Red” (a popular song from one of Swift’s earlier albums).

I love this one because in the lyrics, Swift is more vulnerable with us than she ever has been before. You can tell this melancholy song of self-loathing is really personal to her. Its relatable lines sing about feeling removed from everyone else and feeling like a monster. (“Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby / And I’m a monster on the hill.”) The song’s music video was released just 5 hours after the song came out, and it’s phenomenal. Swift really conveys inner experiences that I’m sure all of us have felt before. It gets a 10/10 from me.
Snow on the Beach
The fourth track was something I have been excited for since it was announced. Titled Snow on the Beach, this dreamy song features Lana Del Rey, an artist that I am very much a fan.. Listening to “Snow on the Beach,” I fell in love. The vibes of this song are magical. Lana Del Rey’s distinct voice welded with Swift’s iconic style create a gorgeous composition. The two of them sing about the feeling of falling in love with someone at the same time they’re falling in love with you, Swift explained in an interview. Although I was a little disappointed that Lana herself did not have a verse in this song, it still gets a 9/10 in my book.
You’re on Your Own, Kid
I am generally a fan of sad songs, and “You’re On Your Own Kid” is definitely being added to all my playlists right away. Slow and lonely, it’s most definitely a song you could cry to. In this track, she sings about the heart wrenching feeling of being in love with someone who doesn’t seem to notice you back. She also sings about ultimately feeling alone but finding peace in it. The line “Everything you lose is a step you take / So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it / you’ve got no reason to be afraid” is one of my favorite lyrics. I give this song a 10/10, as it is one of my favorites on this album.
Midnight Rain
While listening to this track, I was a bit thrown off by the beginning, as it starts differently than a typical Taylor Swift song, using a pitched-down voice to sing the first line: “Rain, he wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain.” I interpreted the song as leaving the comfort of a relationship to chase your own dreams and independence (“Chasing that fame / he stayed the same”). As the song fully geared up, I loved it! This track has been stuck in my head since I first heard it. This gets a 9/10.
Question…? is definitely one of the most liked songs of the Midnights album, which is unsurprising seeing as it’s catchy and has great lyrics. I absolutely love the beginning of the song because it starts with simple lyrics and an upbeat melody. The track continues to talk about a romance that ended with “situations, circumstances and miscommunications.” Typically, I tend to listen to Taylor Swift for her iconic lyrics and bridges, but this is a song I listen to for the actual tune. Like many other songs on this album, this continues to be stuck in my head unrelentingly and gets an 8/10.
Vigilante S***
When the title of this track was announced, longtime Swift fans were mildly surprised. Although Swift curses infrequently in her songs, this is the first time where she has put a swear in the title. This vengeful song is about karma and revenge. It definitely has a different kind of feel than the other tracks on Midnights, but I’m not mad about it. With a melody and lyrics reminiscent of her 2017 album Reputation, this song is about helping the ex-wife of an enemy get revenge: “She had the envelope, where you think she got it from? / Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride.” This song went to my playlist of angry songs right away. While it’s not my favorite, the fantastic bridge definitely gave it redemption. 7.5/10.

Number nine on the album is Bejeweled, and a music video to accompany the track was released 4 days after the album drop. I have to be honest, this was my least favorite song on the album. It talks about self-confidence and bouncing back, which I love, but I do not enjoy the actual melody of the song. The lyrics are fine, but not much about this song stood out to me. 6/10.
The album slows down immensely with the tenth track, “Labyrinth.” It’s a sadder pop song, and like “You’re On Your Own Kid,” something I could cry to. Personally, I love this song and I don’t think it’s been talked about enough. I liked the beats in the back that sound like the thumping of a heart. This song talks about finding new love after a heartbreak and is one someone could listen to if they were still getting over a heartbreak that happened a long time ago. From the song: “It only hurts this much right now / That’s what I was thinking the whole time / Breathe in breathe through breathe deep breathe out.” ‘Labyrinth’ is fantastic. 10/10.
Track eleven bounces back to a vengeful vibe. Aptly named ‘Karma,’ this song seems to me very smug, as if you were watching someone you disliked get what they deserve. Fans speculate that this song could be referencing Taylor’s public feuds with either Scooter Braun or Kanye West, but as the singer rarely ever clarifies who any of her songs are about, it’s likely we’ll never know.
Though less angry and more of a laughing-on-the-sidelines-while-I-watch-you-fall song, I did enjoy it.
The lyrics, though, I was not as much a fan of, so this one gets a 7/10.
Sweet Nothing
The penultimate song of the album is “Sweet Nothing.” Again, it’s a slower song, more simplistic and quiet. In this song, Swift discusses the rollercoaster of highs and lows that come with being famous, and how she finds comfort and consolation in her significant other of six years, Joe Alywn. The first time I listened to this song, I didn’t love it. But like Lavender Haze, it grew on me enormously. I love the slower bouncy tune and higher notes of this track – 8.5/10.
The final (and 13th) track is “Mastermind.” I had high expectations for this song to be a spectacular grande finale and although it’s very good, I was a little disappointed. Again, the lyrics are on point, but the music sort of fell flat for me. To be fair, though, I love the meaning in the words of this song, and it definitely has a more classic Taylor Swift vibe. This is an 8/10.
If you haven’t listened to Midnights yet, check it out. Most of the songs are for sure worth a listen, and maybe you’ll even find a fitting song to add to one of your playlists. Overall, my general impression of Midnights is that it has a more subdued and mature vibe than previous albums, and though I was disappointed with the album’s bridges, Swift keeps up with her incredible lyricism.
But wait, there’s more – just 3 hours after releasing Midnights, Swift dropped 7 additional songs called Midnights 3 am Edition. The 3am songs in my opinion are even better than the original 13, find that review here!