Outer Banks is an action-adventure TV series on Netflix that was created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke. The show first premiered on April 15, 2020, and since then has become so popular that it’s now on its fourth season, which debuted on October 10th, 2024.
Set on the imaginary island of Kildare, in the first season, viewers meet a group of teenagers, who call themselves the “Pogues” because they live on the part of the island called “The Cut” where the lower-income people live. The other side of the island is called Figure 8, where wealthy people live. One of the main characters on the show, John B., who is a Pogue, is determined to find out what has happened to his missing father. During the investigation, he and his friends decide to try and find a legendary treasure that is connected to his father’s disappearance. This treasure-hunt plotline drives the entire first, second, and third seasons.
In my opinion, the show stands out among other TV shows that feature teens. One thing that makes Outer Banks so special is the chemistry the characters have with each other. When you watch the show, you can see how they bond and their friendship helps them throughout the show. This TV show also keeps you on your toes in almost every episode. It keeps you guessing and wondering what will happen next.
Toward the end of season 3, John B. and his friends find the treasure. Since so many seasons were devoted to this plotline, it would have made sense to end the show after season 3; yet the show came out with a fourth season.
I’m guessing that both the show’s directors and Netflix wanted to keep the show going because it had become so popular — they didn’t want to stop making money nor let the fans down, but was making a fourth season a good idea?
In my opinion, yes. In the fourth season, the Pogues have found a new treasure to hunt for: The Blue Crown. The Blue Crown is a treasure that the pirate Blackbeard allegedly had owned. A man by the name of Wes Genrette offered the Pogues the opportunity to go on this hunt to find the blue crown for an adventure and money.
Even though it might seem like the fourth season is simply a repeated treasure hunt plotline like the earlier seasons, to me, it works. In season 4, there are a lot of plot twists and things that happen that make the season good overall. I also think the show maintains the good connection the characters have with each other as friends while also showing their growth as they have gone through rough times, like the time when they were getting kicked out of their home where they all live together. They also came across a group of dangerous mercenaries who were also looking for the blue crown. This creates a new environment where they have to be cautious at all times.
One of the things that viewers and fans hated in season 4 was when JJ died. Many people said how useless and pointless it was killing arguably the most well-written character in the show. In an article in Central Times about Season 4, Charvi Alavala writes, “There was no need for Groff To kill JJ … JJ was the heart of Outer Banks, and with his death, the show had died too.” While I agree with Alavala, that it didn’t feel necessary to kill JJ, if you have watched the show you would see the amount of times JJ has done something extremely dangerous and almost killed himself. In one of the episodes in season 4, even JJ’s girlfriend, Kiara, also a pogue, says that eventually his good luck will run out.
I feel like the 4th season was much more entertaining or even better than all of the last seasons. Sophomore Geniyah Johnson agrees. She said, “I was told that the new season wasn’t very good, and a little lame. I decided to watch it for myself and once I started watching I couldn’t stop. It was very emotional in such a good way.” This winter break, if you’re looking for something to watch, I recommend checking out Outer Banks, including the 4th season.