Well folks, it’s official: It’s that time of year again; temperatures continue to lower, people are starting to layer those coats and scarves, and runny noses and holiday lights abound. Which also means …. band concert season is upon us! The high school band has an excellent show prepared this year, so keep reading to hear all about the challenges, excitement and more in regards to this year’s band concert from the man, the myth, the legend himself: Mr. Krener. And make sure to come out for it on Wednesday, December 6th at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.
Preston Hollingsworth: What are some things you’re excited about in regards to the upcoming band concert?
“Main thing is having vocals in there, you know our vocalist, since we don’t have a choir that doesn’t mean that vocals disappear. Right? Sophia (Lee) is singing. She sounds really good! That’s in band class. Then, Avery (White) and Sophia are trading off on a Beyonce song, ‘Crazy in Love.’
“So they’re gonna split that one and then Sophia is gonna sing another Beyonce song ‘Love on Top.’ It’s kind of a continuing tradition doing modern hip hop songs. You know? Okay, moderate in the sense that most school bands don’t play a lot of this. And we’re having it be like ‘what do people wanna hear?’”
Yeah. Because most moms probably aren’t gonna want to hear Cannibal Corpse.
Not for Christmas. Yeah, yeah. Spring maybe. What else are you looking forward to? Any more highlights?
“Highlights for me are always solos by students. That’s a highlight. I’m gonna put you in on that with singing Metallica. People are gonna walk away remembering that, you know, even if they don’t like Metallica, they’re gonna walk away like ‘Wow, that kid sang ‘Enter Sandman.’ Like, that’s crazy. Like, how awesome is that?
I also like hearing my jazz band students, you know, typically people who don’t play jazz playing some pieces that they didn’t previously know. They’re learning solos for it. Christian (White) didn’t do a solo last year, but this year will be his first time doing some Pink Panther soloing. He has only played bass for a year.”
Any challenges?
“It’s always challenging putting this many things together, so many soloists and stuff. Figuring out the structure of the night is also difficult and the order of events. “Difficulty also would be that very few people would try to throw together a band concert like ours, with this many people being plugged in, like all the keyboards. We’re talking, you know, 40 instruments that need to be plugged in. That’s tough.”