The club Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) has seen a resurgence this year thanks to, in part, its new leadership and commitment to events. This year’s FCA leader, Cora Urhahn (12) stepped into her leadership role because last year’s leadership graduated and she wanted to see the club thrive. Junior David Wallace also is a new leader to the club and together they’ve helped grow the club in the hopes of bringing it back to its preCOVID numbers. FCA also has a new faculty sponsor, Ms. Simon.

Like many BHS clubs, there was a decrease in the member count during virtual school times, but now with the help of new leadership who have been hosting more frequent events, the club’s numbers have doubled this year. One event that made this club double was “Friends giving.”
Right before Thanksgiving break, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) celebrated the holiday at Christ Church with a big “Friendsgiving” meal. The event had a great turnout, with plenty of delicious food brought by the club members. From sweet tea to a whole turkey, everyone contributed something unique. “This experience gave me valuable insight into life. There’s more to life than just Fortnite; there are also meaningful connections with friends,” senior Miller Chantharasy said.