At most schools, classrooms are filled with only desks and chairs, maybe some computers. But at South Tech they give their students hands-on experience working with animals, learning to do hair, construction, working on cars, and more. Brentwood gives its students an opportunity to go there if desired. Brentwood has eight students enrolled currently in a variety of different programs. Two of our juniors, in particular, Bryde McCluer and Kenzie Murray go there for the veterinarian program. “South Tech is probably the most fun and interesting part of my day,” McCluer said.

Kenzie Murray takes a selfie with one of the adorable kittens.
Although they are in different classrooms, both agree that it is better having a friend in the same program. Especially when one doesn’t understand something, the other is always there to help her understand better. They are currently learning both the basics and hands-on work such as physical exams, restraining animals, giving vaccinations, diagnosing internal parasites, learning different behaviors, and more. As of now, both say the majority of the work is not too difficult but as they progress, it will start getting harder.
“My favorite part about South Tech is probably hanging out with all the animals. Whenever I’m in with my other teacher, Ms. Hobbs, we are allowed to hold anything from kittens to a snake,” said McCluer. In this program, there are a lot of different jobs and responsibilities. One is to socialize with the animals to help prepare them for their future owners. The animals come from a shelter called Saving Grace that is run

Bryde McCluer holds one of the puppies that is waiting for an adoption.
by one of their teachers, Ms. Zengerling. Saving Grace gets the animals from other surrounding shelters across Missouri and gives them to South Tech for the students to learn from. While at South Tech, some of the animals are even allowed to be fostered over the weekends until they are adopted.
Murray stated, “Sometimes it’s hard going to two different schools because we have different schedules but it has been pretty easy adjusting.” But it is worth it for both of them because they both want to become veterinarians in the future. They have met lots of new friends as well and say that it’s cool to get to work with people that are interested in the same field as them.
South Tech is a great way to be able to prepare for the future and have fun while doing it. Both Bryde and Kenzie are excited to see what’s next!