Along with another new school year here at Brentwood comes more new and exciting clubs to join. From movies, to dance, to food, there is a club for everyone.
French Films club is one of Brentwood’s newest clubs run by seniors Jeremy Forman and Ben Greiner and, of course, sponsored by our French teacher Madame Hood. This is a social club all about having fun and watching movies. All the movies they watch will be in French, and they will meet to discuss the film and even play games that go along with it. Madame Hood says, “You’re going to watch some things you may never watch otherwise, making you a more cultured person.” The club will meet on weekends about once a month to get together and socialize and enjoy movies. Keep an eye out for an announcement for their first film coming soon in the daily bulletins. Chase away the pandemic blues and watch some of the best films in the world by joining French Films Club!

Gaming Club is a brand new club simply made for students to have fun. Led by Dr. Jansen, the club plays a wide variety of games and spends quality time together. So far, they have played games like Minecraft, Animal Crossing and have even talked about playing a role-playing game. A typical gaming club meeting has a brief discussion about what games everyone will play that day, and then students are sent off to play with your friends. Don’t worry about skill level either! The Gaming Club has no competitions and no outside goal besides having fun. They meet every other Friday at Go join the gamers on October 16th at 3:30!
Ms. Beaver is a new teacher with a new club, The Grub Club. This club is a place for students to meet and share their love for food. Students should join the grub club to get opportunities to cook, eat, play games, and socialize with classmates. Ms. Beaver says, “The Grub Club ultimately aims to celebrate different types of cuisine and cultures through food.” They will meet on Tuesdays every two weeks with a theme for every meeting. For example, in their last meeting, the theme was Halloween. They made spooky treats and watched videos, and played festive games along with it! Email Ms. Beaver and join them on October 27th for their next meeting.
In the words of Mrs. Cohen, “Stepping is TikTok’s stronger, louder and more impressive older sister.” Step is a form of dance rooted in Africa that has a big part in African American culture. It incorporates styles from drill-team, cheerleading, and the military. This team is 100% student-led, and anyone is welcome to join. Specific dates have not yet been announced, but email Mrs. Cohen for more information.
Lydia Strieker and Mrs. Wilson have started up Brentwood Book Buddies this year. When asked what sets them apart from other clubs, Mrs. Wilson replied by saying, “This is not your mother’s book club.” This club provides a space for students to read books that they want to read and discuss with their peers. It is mainly student-led, so all the books that are read are chosen by the group. They are currently reading A Children’s Bible by Lydia Millet and will meet twice a month to check up on progress, discuss the story, and choose new books to read. Students are welcome to contact Mrs. Wilson or Lydia for more information.
With all of these new and exciting clubs launching this year, students won’t get bored easily, not even at home. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the sponsors and get involved. There’s something for everyone here at Brentwood!