On the final day of September, STUCO put on a pep assembly to get the student body excited for the upcoming football game and dance. With the expert guidance of leaders Eloise Ayotte and Jazzy Hererra, STUCO combined their efforts to put on a fantastic pep assembly with memorable games to engage students.
To kick off the rally, we, of course, had to start with the classic pep assembly games: the powderpuff games. The boys started it off by playing some intense sets of volleyball. The seniors played the freshmen first, taking a landslide victory that sent them to the finals. Then, the juniors played the sophomores, with the juniors coming out on top. And for the final game, the seniors absolutely killed it, taking the win against the juniors.

Then came the girl’s football game. Simeon Cooper and JD Allen coached the seniors, while Ethan Ritter and Trenton Mitchell coached the juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. And after being stuck in a stalemate the whole game, Haylie Minshall scored a touchdown in the last minute that sent her team to victory.

We swiftly moved into a game involving the homecoming court winners. Members of the court played hula-hoop rock paper scissors, fighting to see who could make it to the other side first. In the end, Jazzy Hererra carried the upperclassmen to victory, successfully getting to the other side first.
Then came the main event of the rally. Eloise Ayotte, STUCO vice-president, was the most ecstatic about this game. “I was very excited about it; it was a completely original and unique idea,” comments Ayotte. The event in question? Bobblehead musical chairs. Players were handed large cardboard cutouts of various teachers’ heads. The goal? To win musical chairs while carrying the cardboard face.

After two energetic games, Ethan Ritter and Anntoniette Willis claimed the winning slots.
Overall, I think most people would agree that this pep assembly was a huge success, and it definitely yielded some great pictures. A massive shoutout to Eloise Ayotte and Jazzy Hererra for planning this rally, and we are so excited for the next events they have planned.